Why do our customers call for us?

Project Design +++  Sample Design +++ Questionnaire Design +++ Translations +++ Fielding (CATI, CAPI, CAWI) +++ Data Analysis +++ Reporting +++ Presentation +++ Implementation

Quantitative +++ Qualitative +++ Experts/KOLs +++ All markets


A market research project - and this holds true for nearly any type of market research - has a lot in common with a short story featuring a limited cast of characters (the sample) focusing on a self-contained incident (like a transaction) with a plot that evokes and reveals the whole universe of the market place and its most inert rules and opportunities (the market-scape). 

A starting-point-analysis of hundreds of completed projects, however, brought about 7 typical need categories among our major customers:

1. Customer Satisfaction Measurement

2. Market Segmentation

3. Go-to-Market of Products & Services 

4. Ad-hoc-Tasks

5. Employee Surveys

6. Start-ups

7. Social Business & NGOs

