Because all your business is at stake

Customer Satisfaction Analysis

Customer Satisfaction Measurement has become a standard tool for nearly any larger organization. Over the past decades, we haven't seen any revolutionary innovation but rather steady methodological refinement. The gold standard, for many, still is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a Key Performance Indicator. Since this a volatile measure particularly for not so large samples (such as individual countries, sales regions or product lines), we also suggest a Loyalty Index as an additional KPI. This is typically composed of a set of key metrics such as Overall Satisfaction, Likelihood of Recommendation and Repurchase, and also questions as to whether the customer feels valued and experiences a trustful relationship with us.

Beyond these key indicators, it is essential to measure satisfaction along the milestones of the Customer Journey (to be mapped) - starting with general perception, awareness and consideration, the purchase experience and the after-sales service and support experience. Over time, metrics have evolved that are of particular interest for certain B2B-industries such as "efficiency in handling issues", "ease of doing business" or "communication when problems occur". 

Beyond annual trends, we suggest Key Driver Analysis in order to find out more about the impact that individual performance aspects have on our Loyalty Index or NPS.   

For an easier calibration, it can make sense to also ask for our most important competitors and let customers rate them in comparison to us ("soft benchmark"). Even more reliable is a survey among our competitors' clients ("hard benchmark")

It can be more than valuable to also allow for open comments during the survey. Asking for highlights of the common journey and also for suggested improvement tells us which of our strengths and relative weaknesses are top-of-mind among our customers. Refined systems to code the incoming messages allow for qualitative Key Driver Analyses.

While measuring Customer Satisfaction follows established standards today, its value fully depends on how conclusions are drawn and how results are presented, disseminated and implemented. We offer a variety of tools and support packages to enable change where it makes a difference. High visibility, acceptance and a harmonised understanding of the results and their root causes all through the organisation are the essence of an agile, successful implementation and return-on-measurement.

We also recommend to conduct a mirror-survey from time to time: This means to ask our employees which results they expect from the customer survey by answering the same rating questions that are presented to our customers. This does not only rise the level of tension and curiosity when the external results come in (like a bet on customer satisfaction), but it also increases the internal awareness of critical issues or strengths.
