You will feel better with a double cross-check


When customers call with a spontaneous need, it is mostly to back-up a pre-taken decision with a major scope. This can be a new pricing strategy, a new value proposition, a logo, a claim or other marketing outlets, but it can also reach as high as a change in the business model

 Among the most recent examples is an airline that thinks about re-introducing a smokers section on their flights to Mallorca and Miami, a small French healthcare hygiene system specialist who needs to set-up a short list of countries for his expansion, a car manufacturer who wants to establish a Premium Club for his high-end business customers, a mechanical engineering company that wants to outsource their technical services to third parties in selected countries, a healthcare provider that wants to introduce new educational and training services, a global bank that wants to re-engineer the way that affiliates develop and deliver financial products and the way sales is trained on them, or a print magazine that wants to improve its web-based business model by adding paid content.  

To keep up and to enhance our ability to respond to such a variety of specialties, we have permanently taken care of our portfolio-of-method, our tool box and its innovation. We also run close relationships with several university centers and institutes, not only in economics but also in biometrics, psychology and other neighborhood disciplines. Their advice has often helped us to deliver what we call state-of-the art research designs
